Ed's Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List 01/28/24
Ed's jobs list for the week of January 28, 2024
2024, Issue 3
Hi there! Welcome to Ed’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List, where we know climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, oil, and fossil gas (“natural” gas), and that burning fossil gas in our homes makes us sick.
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What I'm reading this week:
The propane industry is trying to dupe you (Arielle Samuelson, Heated/The Guardian).
Job Scams. (U.S. Federal Trade Commission). This popped up in my feed, and given the subject of this newsletter, it seemed worth sharing.
US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction. (Dharna Noor, The Guardian).
Environmental (in)justice articles of the week:
FEMA Overhauled a Disaster Aid Program. Environmental Justice Communities Could Benefit Most (Kristoffer Tigue, Inside Climate News)
A couple of key points for the new folks (and the old hands):
I'm not a recruiter.
You can send me job tips by responding to this email. Help me help you by putting them in the format that I use. Thanks in advance!
I don't post unpaid internships.
This project is not related to my day job. Any opinions expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect those of my employer.
Did you find a job from my list? Please let me know. I started this to help people and knowing I succeeded makes me happy.
Thank you for subscribing, thank you for reading, and thanks for all of the job tips!
Good luck with your job search!
-Ed Carley
Internships and Clerkships. White House Council on Environmental Quality. Washington, DC. https://www.whitehouse.gov/ceq/internship-program/. Paid.
Summer Associate, Regenerative Agriculture. The Rockefeller Foundation. New York, NY. https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=24726181-f57f-46a1-824d-3c8a89c3328a&ccId=19000101_000001&jobId=517241&lang=en_US. $30-$35 hourly.
Natrium Fuel Performance Analysis Intern. TerraPower. Bellevue, WA. https://www.terrapower.com/contact-us/careers/#op-606425-intern-natrium-fuel-performance-analysis-. $32-$48 hourly.
Multiple Internships. New York Green Bank. New York City, NY. https://greenbank.ny.gov/Contact-Us/Careers. $15-$18/hr.
Multiple internships. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden, CO. https://nrel.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/NREL.
Independent Land Scout. BlueWave Energy. Remote in MA, MI, NY, PA, CA. https://ats.rippling.com/bluewave/jobs/4053cf02-88ef-47f1-a58e-51c2f82c8090.
Senior Social Impact Specialist. Brazen. Remote, US. https://boards.greenhouse.io/braze/jobs/5572074?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email. $68k-99k/year.
Home Energy Program Analyst. Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. https://wj.wi.gov/psc/wisjobs/CAREERS/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&PostingSeq=1&JobOpeningId=12733&. $62k-$90k/year.
Program Associate, Building Decarbonization. Energy Foundation. Remote US. https://www.ef.org/about-us/careers/?gh_jid=5847456003. $77k+/year.
Outside the U.S.
Commercial Associate, Climate. Deep Science Ventures. London, UK. https://apply.workable.com/deep-science-ventures/j/0A83758100. Advanced degree required.
Senior Program Associate (Africa), Global Energy Transition Initiative. ClimateWorks Foundation. Remote, Africa or UK. https://apply.workable.com/climateworks-foundation-1/j/D82ABE3540/. 5+ years experience.
Government Jobs (General Schedule)
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Energy (EE00). U.S. Department of Energy. Washington, DC. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/771298400?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery. Closes 2/19. $193k-$221k/year.
Program Manager (Data & Analysis) (GS-14). U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Joint Office of Energy & Transportation. Remote. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/771544400. $122,198-$191,900/year.
Entry level to five years experience
Energy Efficiency Technical Specialist. Performance Systems Development. Seattle, WA. https://recruiting.paylocity.com/recruiting/jobs/Details/2114969/Performance-System-Development-of-New-York-LLC/Energy-Efficiency-Technical-Specialist?source=Ed's%20Clean%20Jobs. Early career. $21.63-$31.25/hr.
Office Administrator, Part-time. Synapse Energy Economics. Cambridge, MA. https://synapseenergy.hire.trakstar.com/jobs/fk0v25y?source=Ed's%20Energy%20List. Entry-level. $26-$30 per hour.
Energy Consultant/Engineer (I or II). Washington, DC. https://peercpc.com/careers. 0-4 years of experience.
Sustainability Analyst. City of Aspen. Aspen, CO. https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ASPENGOV&cws=45&rid=2155 1+ year experience. $60k - $90k / year.
Associate, Utility Regulation. Synapse Energy Economics. Cambridge, MA. https://synapseenergy.hire.trakstar.com/jobs/fk0v3an?source=Ed's%20Energy%20List. 2+ years of experience. $64k-$96K.
Title Examiner. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/title-examiner. 2+ years.
Real Estate Attorney. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/real-estate-attorney. 2-3+ years.
Policy Manager, Sustainable Mobility & Clean Energy. Coalition for Reimagined Mobility. Washington, DC. https://reimaginedmobility.org/careers/. 2-5 years experience. $75,000 - $90,000/year.
Project Developer. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/project-developer. 2-5+ years.
Energy Policy Analyst (Public Service Coordinator II). Maine Governor’s Energy Office. Augusta, ME. https://mainebhr.hire.trakstar.com/jobs/fk0vxm1/. 3+ years experience. $69k-$94k/year.
Community Engagement Associate. Hummingbird. Atlanta, GA. https://hireventures.applytojob.com/apply/avPTcScDw9/Community-Engagement-Associate. 3+ years experience. $49,209-$55,047/year.
ESG Analyst. Boston Trust Walden. Boston, MA. https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=5ef49952-1f31-4fa0-8ba7-f8e8c5f8cdc5&ccId=19000101_000001&jobId=487435&source=CC2&lang=en_US&mc_cid=f7d98a727b&mc_eid=eac22b7b1d. 3-5 years experience.
Director of Solar Development, BlueWave Energy. Remote. https://ats.rippling.com/bluewave/jobs/290cc2dd-a9e6-49c1-a036-1751dcbfba78. 3-5+ years experience. $130k-$160k/year.
Sustainability & Resilience Specialist - Infrastructure. Parsons. Remote US. https://parsons.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Search/job/US---Remote-Any-Location/Sustainability---Resilience-Specialist_R149428. 3-5 years experience. 3-5 years experience. $68k-$119k/year.
Project Manager, BlueWave Energy. Boston, MA. https://ats.rippling.com/bluewave/jobs/69971582-9a06-421a-a723-b7d3689f755c. 4 years experience.