Ed's Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List 01/21/24
Ed's jobs list for the week of January 21, 2024
2024, Issue 2
Hi there! Welcome to Ed’s Clean Energy & Sustainability Jobs List, where we know climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, oil, and fossil gas (“natural” gas), and that burning fossil gas in our homes makes us sick.
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What I'm reading this week:
PR giant Edelman worked with Koch network, despite climate pledges (Dharna Noor, The Guardian)
Vineyard Wind, country’s first large-scale offshore wind project, is producing clean electricity (Miriam Wasser, WBUR)
Environmental (in)justice articles of the week:
‘Control the narrative’: how an Alabama utility wields influence by financing news (Miranda Green, The Guardian)
A couple of key points for the new folks (and the old hands):
I'm not a recruiter.
You can send me job tips by responding to this email. Help me help you by putting them in the format that I use. Thanks in advance!
I don't post unpaid internships.
This project is not related to my day job. Any opinions expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect those of my employer.
Did you find a job from my list? Please let me know. I started this to help people and knowing I succeeded makes me happy.
Thank you for subscribing, thank you for reading, and thanks for all of the job tips!
Good luck with your job search!
-Ed Carley
EDICT (Empowering Diverse Climate Talent) Internships. Multiple Employers. Multiple locations or remote. https://elementalexcelerator.com/edict-internship-program/interns/. Closes February 5, 2024.
Clean Energy and Communications in Schools and Nonprofits Fellowship. ORISE/U.S. Department of Energy. Washington, DC. https://www.zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DOE-STP-SCEP-SNP-2024. Undergrad: $58k/year, Masters: $71k/year, PhD: $94k/year.
Director of Sustainability. Queen's University. Charlotte, NC. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/collections/green-jobs/?currentJobId=3802806821.
Coal Country Organizer. Northern Plains Resource Council. Billings, MT. https://northernplains.org/coal-country-organizer/. $41k-$46k/year.
Good Neighbor Agreement Manager. Northern Plains Resource Council. Billings, MT. https://northernplains.org/gna-manager/. $50k-$55k/year.
Community Organizer. Northern Plains Resource Council. Billings, MT. https://northernplains.org/community-organizer/. $41k-$46k/year.
Sustainable Energy Manager. The Northern Cheyenne Tribe. Lame Deer, MT, and may be hybrid. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LwRiJoxkj_fxizJ41ueFaaI72uBFqLPG/view?usp=sharing.
Market and Policy Analyst. Solar Landscape. Asbury Park, NJ. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3786110538/.
Transportation Policy Analyst. Gateway Cities Council of Governments. Paramount, CA. https://gatewaycog-my.sharepoint.com/personal/joela_gatewaycog_org/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fjoela%5Fgatewaycog%5Forg%2FDocuments%2FAttachments%2FNEW%20SITE%20JOB%20OPENINGS%2FGCCOG%20Transportation%20Policy%20Analyst%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fjoela%5Fgatewaycog%5Forg%2FDocuments%2FAttachments%2FNEW%20SITE%20JOB%20OPENINGS&ga=1. $109k/year.
Senior Development Manager (CA). Copenhagen Offshore Partners. San Francisco, CA or remote from CA. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3782555170/?refId=Mkb0HyXNzOmtKor3yo04hw%3D%3D&trackingId=Mkb0HyXNzOmtKor3yo04hw%3D%3D. $150,000-185,000/year.
Outside the U.S.
Philanthropy Partnerships Manager. The Sunrise Project. Location: Remote (US/Europe). https://sunriseproject.org/jobs/. 5+ years experience. $125,000-$165,000 (2 ROLES AVAILABLE).
Researcher (Africa-Based). Global Energy Monitor. Remote. https://globalenergymonitor.bamboohr.com/careers/78?source=aWQ9Mjk%3D. 1+ years experience. $743,340.68 ZAR/year.
Government Jobs (General Schedule)
Interdisciplinary General Engineer / Physical Scientist (equitable decarbonization solutions) (GS11-GS15). U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office. Multiple U.S. locations. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/751780600. $72k-$191k/year.
Entry level to five years experience
Program Specialist. Efficiency Maine Trust. Westbrook, Maine or Augusta, Maine.https://www.efficiencymaine.com/docs/EMT-Program-Specialist-FY2023.pdf. Entry level.
Research Associate. CEA Consulting. San Francisco, CA. https://job.ceaconsulting.com/jobs/research-associate-san-francisco-ca-107186. Entry level. $60k-$75k/year.
Development Analyst. TED Renewables. Overland Park, KS. 20240108-TED-Renewables-Development-Analyst-Job-Description.pdf (tedrenewables.com). 0 - 2 years of experience. $60,000 or higher depending on qualifications.
Research Analyst I. Duke Nicholas Institute for the Environment. North Carolina preferred, Washington, DC ok. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JBux4qrXQtjVLWYLppVtGHpGuP90aPH_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113519774424163372882&rtpof=true&sd=true. 0-2+ years experience, depending on educational attainment.
Junior Environmental/Energy Analyst. Eastern Research Group, Inc. https://jobs.lever.co/erg/d75e3a79-d686-4f7d-b8a5-75709037426e. 0-5 years experience. $52,000 - $57,000/year.
Sustainable Business & Enterprise Roundtable (SBER) Analyst, Boston, MA (Hybrid). https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3804287574/. 1-2 years experience. $50,000-$70,000/year.
Net Zero Consortium for Buyers (NZCB) Analyst, Boston, MA (Hybrid). https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3804288197/. 1-2 years experience. $50,000-$70,000/year.
Program Associate, Boston, MA (Hybrid). https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3804298401/. 1-2 years experience. $50,000-$60,000/year.
Title Examiner. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/title-examiner. 2+ years experience.
Associate. Boundary Stone Partners. Washington, DC. https://boundarystonepartners.bamboohr.com/careers/64. 2 years experience. $55,000/year.
Environmental Specialist III. Kent Conservation District. Dover, DE. https://www.indeed.com/job/environmental-specialist-iii-cce-c1e9c1198e9d671d. 2+ years experience. $54k-$57k/year. Closes January 26.
Project Associate. Association for Energy Affordability. Los Angeles, CA. https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=80420&clientkey=0DEF4B7FE9818BAFE5D8ACC01E1606C1. 2+ years experience. $55k-$80k/year.
Sr Policy Manager (Regulatory). Coalition for Community Solar Access. Remote. https://communitysolaraccess.org/job/policy-director-regulatory-2. 2+ years experience. $90,000 - $120,000/year.
Real Estate Attorney. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/real-estate-attorney. 2-3+ years experience.
Policy Analyst (Products). Atlas Public Policy. Washington, DC. https://atlaspolicy.com/about/jobs-at-atlas/policy-analyst-product/. 2-3 years experience. $80,000 to $110,000/year.
Government Affairs Manager. WE ACT for Environmental Justice. Washington D.C. https://www.weact.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/WE-ACT-Government-Affairs-Manager_20231207.pdf. 2-3 years experience. $70k-$80k/year.
Project Developer. Hexagon Energy. Charlottesville, VA. hexagon-energy.com/careers/project-developer. 2-5+ years experience.
Program Manager I (Building Energy Performance Standard Stakeholder Engagement), Grade 23. Montgomery County. Wheaton, MD. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3799865451. 3+ years experience. $67k-$107k/year.
Sustainability Analyst. DC Housing Authority. Washington, DC. https://cta.cadienttalent.com/index.jsp?POSTING_ID=101896235467&deviceMode=desktop&locale=en_US&SRCSEQ=postingSearchResults&SEQ=jobDetails&applicationName=DistrictofColumbiaHousingAuthorityKTMDReqExt. 3+ years experience. $82,486/year.
Hydraulic Design Engineer. Natel Energy. San Francisco Bay Area, CA. https://jobs.natelenergy.com/29376. 3+ years experience. $120,000 - $170,000/year.
Program Coordinator. U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities. Greenville, SC with hybrid/remote possible. https://www.usendowment.org/who-we-are/jobopportunities/. 3+ years of experience. $62,000-$67,000/year.
Weather & Climate Engagement Specialist. Climate Central. Remote. https://www.climatecentral.org/open-position-weather-and-climate-engagement-specialist. 3+ years experience. $75-$80k/year.
Regulatory Associate, Analyst, or Senior Analyst. Colorado Energy Office. Denver, CO (hybrid or remote available). https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/colorado/jobs/4335799/regulatory-associate-analyst-or-senior-analyst. 4+ years experience. $65,000 - $90,000/year.
Senior Project Associate. Association for Energy Affordability. Los Angeles, CA. https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=80426&clientkey=0DEF4B7FE9818BAFE5D8ACC01E1606C1. 4+ years experience. $70k-$90k/year.
Lead UX/UI Designer. Zero Homes. Denver, CO. https://climatebase.org/job/48011124/lead-uxui-designer. 4+ years of experience. $80-$110K plus equity
Grant and Proposal Writer. Zero Homes. Denver, CO. https://climatebase.org/job/47766809/grant-and-proposal-writer 4+ years of experience. $70-$100K plus equity.
Policy Director (Regulatory), Coalition for Community Solar Access, Remote. https://communitysolaraccess.org/job/policy-director-regulatory. 4+ years experience. $120,000 - $150,000/year.